We have over 800 residents and 7,000 office tenants that we can share your content, news & specials with. Below is a list of the marketing items available to you.
If you have a marketing question or idea that is not listed here, please reach out to our marketing contact Carey Morgan at
Weekly Email Newsletter
Sent out every Monday
Send 1080x1080 jpeg & copy to us by Thursday of prior week
Keep copy to 100 words or less - think of it as a short Instagram caption!
Email to Alicesen Point at and copy Carey Morgan at
If you or someone on your team would like to subscribe to our weekly email newsletter, click here to sign up for the email newsletter.
Social Media
Follow us and tag us on any social media posts.
Tagging us will alert us that you have a special and we can repost your content to our pages.
Facebook @InternationalBusinessPark
Instagram @IntlBusPark
Facebook @WylderSquare
Instagram @WylderSquareApts
Resident Discount Page
You can add a special discount for our apartment residents to the Resident Information Portal Page
1080x1080 graphic with copy of 50 words or less
Discounts are switched out quarterly on March 31, June 31, August 31, December 31
Your discount can go longer (i.e. all year), but no shorter than 1 full quarter